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How Video Games Can Actually Sharpen Your Choices

How Video Games Can Actually Sharpen Your Choices

If you really think about it, video games have come a long way from being mere sources of entertainment; they have evolved into powerful tools that engage players on cognitive, emotional, and social levels. Actually, one surprising benefit that has emerged from research is the positive impact of video games on decision-making skills. 

Just think about it: there are so many games where one decision can entirely change the game or even ruin it. Dating simulations, the Sims series, Elder Scrolls, Winter Minesweeper (this one especially), and the list could just go on and on, really. So, with that said, with some of these examples alone, you probably have a solid idea of how decision-making in video games can be crucial. But on top of that, it’s going to help and bleed into real life, too. 

It’s not just about making quick decisions in games so you’ll get off the game quickly and go back to your personal life, but it still goes beyond that, too. So, with that said, here’s how you can expect video games to help out with improving your decision-making skills!

Quick Thinking and Reflexes

You’re probably a super well-seasoned gamer, right? Video games often require split-second decision-making. Sometimes, it literally needs to be just one second, kind of like with a boss battle; that one second makes all the difference. Whether it's navigating a complex environment, reacting to in-game events, or making strategic moves in real time, gamers develop enhanced reflexes and the ability to think on their feet. This quick thinking can translate into improved decision-making in various real-life scenarios. Even in reality, there are going to be times when that split second makes all the difference, like driving, operating heavy machinery, cooking, and even swimming, which can be an example. 

Strategic Planning

Something else you need to keep in mind is the fact that many video games, especially strategy and simulation genres, demand intricate planning and foresight. Gamers like yourself get to learn to assess situations, analyze potential outcomes, and formulate effective strategies to achieve their objectives. Overall, these strategic thinking skills easily transfer to decision-making in professional and personal settings.

Risk Assessment and Management 

Games can get pretty stressful, whether it be a mini-boss, full-blown boss, other plays, the dungeon itself, you name it. There are constant risks, left and right, just like in real life. When gaming, players often face scenarios where they must assess risks and make decisions that impact their progress. Whether it's choosing between offensive or defensive strategies, allocating resources, or deciding when to take calculated risks, gamers develop a nuanced understanding of risk assessment and management.

Easier to Pin-Point Consequences 

Have you ever made a choice without thinking? Did it not end well? Did it get to the point where you’re putting more thought into all of this? So, what you need to keep in mind is that video games frequently incorporate a cause-and-effect dynamic. Players witness the consequences of their actions, be it the success of a mission, the failure of a quest, or the outcome of a particular choice. This experience fosters a heightened awareness of the potential outcomes of decisions, encouraging a thoughtful and consequence-driven approach in real-life decision-making.

You Have to Control Your Emotions

Some video games are designed to evoke intense emotions, ranging from excitement and joy to frustration and disappointment. Rage tends to be the biggest one, though, and those game developers know exactly what they’re doing! So, learning to regulate and manage these emotions during gameplay contributes to emotional intelligence. The ability to remain calm and focused amid intense situations is a valuable trait in decision-making.

You’re Getting Better with Adapting 

Video games often throw unexpected challenges at you, so then you’re required to just adapt quickly to changing circumstances. This alone is one of the best reasons why it helps better your decision-making skills. You don’t get time; you need to think on your feet and you need to make the right choice. It just helps you think better and deal with situations better- both in the game and in the right. Plus, this adaptability not only enhances problem-solving skills but also nurtures the ability to make informed decisions in dynamic, unpredictable situations.


When you’re young, like in kindergarten, this is something that instantly starts getting pushed on you. You have to work well with other people. Nowadays, more games require teamwork and collaboration. It’s almost like a necessity at this point. Does it mean you’ll get along with people? There’s always the chance, but regardless, it still helps with meeting the end goal together. 

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