Guide to Picking Lane in League of Legends

When you start playing League of Legends, you will face many questions, such as which lane to pick, which champion to choose, and how to play. Let's start!

League of Legends has many heroes, and it takes a lot of time and energy to learn about all the high-level champions and play them.

You will rarely see players playing all the roles in a game. Usually, the players choose roles and stick to them, mastering several heroes at once. 

In case you don't want the hassle of playing through the basic and unranked matches, we've got your back. You can buy league accounts through secure payment methods. Here are some of the perks of buying LOL accounts!

Why specialize in roles?

There are excellent reasons for meticulously mastering a champion. There are not many explanations to disagree with this. There are 140 playable heroes available after the latest patch. 

The current meta includes 5 characters; top lane, mid lane, jungle, ADC, and support. Reaching the consistently high tier of 140 champions is nearly impossible.

It is very advantageous to play as multiple champions, particularly when climbing solo queues. A deeper understanding of the championships and their role will be available to you. 

If you keep changing characters, you'll never be an expert in one character, but if you stick with one, it means you can master it. Now let us take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of lane specialty.

The Pros

The Cons

As a player, you can avoid the inconvenience by playing different roles from time to time. Pile up a few typical games, then dive into the discomfort zone. If you specialize in the jungle, shut Ahri in the middle. If you're carrying ads with you, please opt-out of support and lock up Teemo for the top lane.

Now that you are convinced, you will have to make some decisions. How to choose the lead role?

We'll analyze each character and point out each character's playstyle so that you can match the character to yourself.

Top Lane


Is It for You?

Mid Lane


Is It for You?



Is It for You?



Is It for You?

Attack Damage Carry/ ADC


Is It for You? 

Tier List

N.B: Remember this tier list is made for patch 10.24, and only S-Tier champions are listed.

Top Lane

Champion - Win%

Shen - 54.7%

Camille - 51.7%

Maokai - 52.4%

Kayn - 52%

Galio - 52.5%

Kayle - 56.2%

Darius - 51.1%

Jayce - 50.3%

Poppy - 52.2%

Heimerdinger - 52.6%

Mid Lane

Champion - Win%

Janna - 53.6%

Leona - 53%

Bard - 52.4%

Thresh - 51.4%

Maokai - 52.8%

Galio - 52.9%

Lulu - 51%


Champion - Win%

Hecarim - 53.1%

Kha'Zix - 53%

Nunu & Willump - 56%

Kayn - 54.6%

Graves - 50.9%

Poppy - 53%


Champion - Win%

Janna - 53.6%

Leona - 53%

Bard - 52.4%

Thresh - 51.4%

Maokai - 52.8%

Galio - 52.9%

Lulu - 51%

ADC/Attack Damage Carry

Champion - Win%

Jhin - 54.1%

Samira - 52.5%

Kai'Sa - 50.4%

Vayne - 51.9%


The list is only a small-scale study of each character. The best way to do this is to get a little understanding of the playstyle. So, get into the game and pick a hero from among the characters you want. 

Play a few games, swap roles until at least a few games have been played, then decide which feel suits you the best. 

There are also other opportunities available on the web that can help you increase competitiveness in these positions.

Here is everything you need to know about LOL selling accounts.