New Data Highlights Video Gamer Feelings About In-Game Microtransactions

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LendEDU just ran and published a new poll that questioned video gamers about in-game microtransactions and their impact on their finances. We wanted to gauge their overall feelings about pay-to-play downloadable content.

Interestingly, most video gamers support paid downloadable content and microtransactions, thinking they add value to a video game. Many are willing to spend an additional $100 - $200 on extra content a year.

Highlighted Data:
- 56.6% of video gamers think the current paid downloadable content system is beneficial to gaming
- 80.4% of video gamers will not stop buying video games that come with microtransactions
- 40.4% of video gamers think all paid downloadable content should be allowed in online play

Here is the full report:
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That's nice to know; I didn't even know that was the case until I saw this thread.

Though personally, I would prefer not to do micro-transactions myself; I'd feel a little ripped off having to pay repeatedly, and usually I can get through the levels pretty easily anyway, and if I can't there's always the YouTube solution/walkthrough online. :)

The difference between the one-off-pay system and the micro-transaction one can actually be compared to the "money balance" in Roller Coaster Tycoon; you have the option of either making visitors pay full price to enter the park but have all rides and stalls free or cost very little, or have it be free or cost very little to enter the park but have premium price for rides and attractions. Older video games usually fit roughly into the former system, while the new ones often fit into the latter.
With the former system, without people being made to pay repeatedly for rides and attractions, some of them actually feel good about themselves, and the income focuses solely on park entry, which is useful if attractions don't really matter.
The latter system, although may make some feel ripped off, focuses the income on certain popular attractions, so a smart strategy in that case is to price popular rides high to make the most out of them, but not too high so they actually refuse to go on.
Which means that if RCT were videogames, most consumers would prefer the latter system over the former; that is the case in the current videogame system, as ccgr mentioned.

Edit: I know; I did mention I'd add more, but I didn't have time, so hopefully eventually! :)
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