The Parables of Jesus

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The Parable of the Unjust Judge

1. God
2. Didn't respect God or regard his fellow men. The only reason he issued justice was because the widow was persistent.
3. God's elect
4. avenge her adversary, she kept coming back to the judge since he did nothing
5. ignored it
6. He changed his mind since she was persistent
7. being persistent
8. God will avenge his elect
9. God responds on His time, not ours
10. Will Christians be as persistent?

God is listening to us and bad things will not be overlooked by God in the end
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The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

1. Two men; A pharisee and a tax collector.

2. The pharisee stood before the alter, and prayed descriptively and verbosely; he thanked God he was better than other men, and listed all the good things he did and the bad he did not.

3. The publican stood farther away from the alter, and mourned with his eyes bowed to the earth. He prayed humbly for forgiveness, and said nothing more than "God, turn Your wrath from me--a sinner".

4. He compared himself to the tax collector, and gave thanks he was not like him.

5. In this passage in Luke, to God. But in the passage in Matthew on prayer, Jesus said that pagans babbled onwards to God.

6. The character of his prayer is pride, I think.

7. For mercy on him, a sinner.

8. Humbleness.

9. The Tax collector.

10. The tax collector begged God for forgiveness of his sins, of which he was greatly aware. The pharisee, on the other hand, simply reminded God how perfect He was, and never actually asked for pardon.

To be humble in our prayers, not boastful. And not to rely on our works for our salvation, but on God's forgiveness.
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The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

1. A pharisee and a publican
2. Self righteous, looks down upon others
3. humbled and seeking forgiveness
4. The pharisee compared how good he was compared to the publican
5. himself
6. praising his good works
7. God forgive me
8. humbled and convicted
9. The publican
10. The pharisee exalted himself where God will exalt the publican

Be humble and seek God's approval not mans.
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1.) Jesus was teaching His disciples on the Mount of Olives.

2.) Jesus.

3.) Christians, I think.

4.) A talent was a fairly large amount of money, equal to a years wages, I think. It was a measure of weight, which was probably around 130 pounds.

5.) That they would put his money to work, and he would get something from them when he returned.

6.) Two of them put them to work, and doubled his money. The third buried his in fear that he would lose it.

7.) They put them to work, each what he was given, and got the most out of it according to their ability, even though they did not both get the same return.

8.) He didn't use his talent at all, not even by giving it to a bank. He hid it out of fear of losing it.

9.) A difficult man, reaping where he hadn't sowed and gathering where he hasn't scattered seed. I suppose, in a *very* technical sense, yes. Because Jesus will gather and reap from where other people have scattered and sowed (like missionaries). Though really, that's still Him scattering and sowing.

9.) In Matthews account, the servant who hid his talent is tossed into the outer darkness. In Luke's though, the servant is chastised and has his talent taken away, while the King's enemies are destroyed.

We need to work for Jesus with what we're given by God, and He will never give us more or less than we can use. Likewise, we need to have something to give Him when he returns, even if it is only interest on his gift.
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1. Mount of Olives
2. Jesus
3. Believers
4. A lot of money measured by weight, 130lbs

1 shekel = 24 giru
1 mina = 60 shekels
1 talent = 60 mina

5. He wanted to have his servants invest his money while he was away
6. Two invest, one buries it
7. The servants that invested the money, doubled it
8. He did nothing with it
9. "I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed" It's baloney! Jesus created and bestrode upon us everything we see. What is he not entitled to? Jesus may be stern, but he's compassionate and loves us enough to die for us.
10. In Luke's version the king's enemies are slain but the rest of the parable is pretty much the same

God gives us many talents and abilities. Are we using them to further his kingdom here on earth?
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The parable of the rich fool.

1) A large crowd had gathered, and Jesus was teaching.

2) He didn't have enough room to store all of his crops.

3) He planned to tear down his old barns, and build bigger ones so he could live the easy life.

4) That crazy stuff happens, and we can't predict the future.

5) "You have many goods stored up for many years. Take it easy; eat, drink, and enjoy yourself."

6) God; that that very night, the rich mans life would be required of him, and then to who would his stuff belong to?

7) I 'spose he died.

8) People who store up many treasures for themselves, but are not rich towards God.

9) Not to worry about their lives, or their food, or their clothing. But to trust God, and place the kingdom of heaven first, and what they needed would be provided for them.

10) Trusting of stuff instead of God? I want to also say Greed.

To stop worrying about the future...hopefully, I'll be able to put that into practice.
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The parable of the rich fool.

1. A huge crowd of people
2. Not enough room to store his abundant crop
3. Tear down existing towers and build bigger ones
4. It can end anytime
5. We're set for a while Eat, drink, and be merry
6. God, he's a fool and will die tonight, where will his crop go then?
7. he died
8. spiritually poor
9. Let God take care of your needs, he cares for sparrows
10. Greed, selfishness

Don't hoard, be generous and trust in God
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The parable of the good Samaritan.

1-) I'm guessing Jesus was teaching in the temple, or someplace else. In any case, an expert in the law stood up and tested Him with a question.

2-) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.

3-) Anyone who needs you?

4-) He was waylaid by a band of robbers, who stripped him, beat him up, and ran away leaving him half dead.

5-) A priest; he moved to the other side of the road.

6-) A levite; he to, moved to the other side of the road and kept moving.

7-) A Samaritan; he bathed the man's wounds with oil and wine, then took him to an inn and paid for his care of his own pocket.

8-) Compassion. It means to have mercy on someone, I think. Or empathy? Pity?

9-) That anyone can be your neighbor, not just close people or people we know and love; anyone who takes compassion on someone is their neighbor.

10-) A friend, or someone who loves in the way Jesus did. Or someone who needs love.

I 'spose anyone who needs help.
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The parable of the Good Samaritan.

1. Seems to be in a public setting, perhaps the temple
2. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
3. anyone in need
4. Mugged and left to die.
5. A priest, went to the other side and left him
6. A Levite, looked down at the guy and passed him on the other side
7. A Samaritan, put the injured man on his donkey and cleaned him up at an inn and paid for his stay
8. showed mercy (compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power)
9. We need to show compassion to everyone
10. Everyone

Anyone I can help is my neighbor, I need to show more compassion
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The Parable of the Disloyal Steward

1. Jesus was talking to his disciples, with sinners, tax collectors, and "holy men" listening to Him.

2. I believe the manager is God, and the disloyal steward is maybe sinful humanity?

3. He had been squandering the masters possessions.

4. An account of his stewardship; the master had heard of what the steward had been doing, and was firing him because of it.

5. He lessens the debts owed to the master by cooking the books, thus making the people favorably disposed to him.

6. His shrewdness; he had acted astutely, even if evilly.

7. "Their own people", that is, unsaved?

8. I think Jesus means to use our money wisely, rather than greedily, for good purposes.

9. The planet. But also the message of God, maybe?

10. Salvation, and the rewards of heaven. The things that last, and will not be destroyed later.

To use our money wisely and righteously while we're stewards, since we can't take it with us, but the deeds we use it for will hang over our heads forever?
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Sorry for my late response, it looks like this is the last one!

The Parable of the Disloyal Steward

1. Jesus was still out in public and drawing a crowd.

2. Sinful men

3. Squandered the master's money

4. An account of the money spent and his job

5. Reduces the amount owed to gain friends

6. Although it's wrong it was a smart move

7. The unsaved are more concerned about their future than the saved

8. Give alms to the poor, they will see kindness and God will reward

9. Nothing we have it truly ours, God blesses us and can take it all away. We should use our gifts and money wisely

10. Eternal treasures in heaven

Don't trust in worldly things, use your gifts and talents wisely, help those in need
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I just thought a parable was a story. I didn't realise there was such a detailed description, thanks for sharing.

By far, this is my favourite thread. I am going to keep coming back to read about all the parables!
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