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paintballjunkie wrote:guess i'll go look for morrowind...i just killed glodor(spl)on FF3
I just got the Bahamut (big dragon you run from early in the game) and Odin summons by beating them up, best strategy for the former is 4 dragoons w/ the best weapons you can give them all using jump on the first turn, killed him right off the back. For the later, just wail on him till he cries uncle or you're on the floor, though a viking w/ 2 shield, diamond armor and protect provoking him is nice since he'll only take 1 damage while you're guys deal like 2000 damage to him... but that all is null and void when he does Zangetsu (sp?) and takes 1000 from each person.
Last edited by The_Pendragon on Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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when is that in the game? i just got to the salenia castle or whatever it is
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You can go after Odin once you get a new airship, but I'd recommend getting some decent levelling first (I was at lvl 39 and on my fifth try) Bahamut you need to wait till you get the next airship.
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so you don't keep the enterprise but you get a new one?
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paintballjunkie wrote:meh CK take a chill pill and lose the obseesions
Try saying that to a non-Christian who believes in Communism. What do you honestly think they'll do? Why say it behind their backs? We're only making it more and more less likely for people to accept Christ when we do that.

Take a look at the scriptures in the "News/Recent Events" topic.
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Well, if you just got to the castle then your airship was probably already shot down and destroyed (third one you lose- one when you were a child, Sids, and then that one.
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just go spam
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Whenever I hear SPAM as in the food, I always think people mean spam as in cool spam. Which wouldn't make sense, because the real world isn't a forum. So after I realize that, I know that they meant gross spam.

Spammy enough for ya?
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Count_Krazy wrote:
paintballjunkie wrote:hahaha*kills browning* die filthy commie!
What is the matter with you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? YOU... YOU... I don't want to get banned! Give me a chance to witness! :x And calling her a filthy commie?!?!?!?! I RIP AWAY YOUR SIR SPAMALOT TITLE!!!! You think God likes it when you call someone a "filthy commie"? EH?! EH???!!! So what next?! First it was Rosie O'Donnel, now Emily Browning! Will it be Johnny Depp next for doing self-harm as a child or being interested in magic? Will it be Clinton for doing oral... you know...? Will it be the guy down the street with sexual problems? Will it be Lindsay Lohan because of immodesty?

We have to stop judging people so harshly! People are watching us to see how Christians really act.

All I'm saying is that we should stop judging people for their problems, beliefs, etc. Agreed? Understand? If you were a non-Christian and saw somebody call another person a 'filthy commie' for example behind their back, would you think "Wow! I really want to be a Christian!"

Okay, I'm done...
woah. I never would have expected that.
It's whoa, esophagus, whoa! Notice the H? :wink: Oh, and yes, I never would've thought that in a million billion years... BUT IT MIGHT BE RUMOR, YA HEAR?!
Incidentally, do they ever do activities like going to rock concerts?
Or witnessing? Wait, it isn't a Christian school, is it? Or is this church?
You've matured a bit. Anywho, Clinton needs to jump off a cliff.
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You've matured a bit. Anywho, Clinton needs to jump off a cliff.
Really? :? Wow! Cool! :D Well, uh... Someone can still act a little carefree (like Adam Savage, for instance ((there I go getting obsessive again!))) and be mature. I am definitely trying to cut back on the immature stuff. It's starting to come naturally since I'm getting older, eh?

Anyway, I must agree with you on the Clinton thing... No offense to those who like him... Well, maybe not a cliff. Maybe just off his house's roof so he can break a leg or arm or something like that.
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I was thinking more along the lines of the Empire State building, ONL....
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Clinton meets Clint Eastwood...

"There isn't enough room in this country for two Clints," Clint Eastwood said, narrowing his eyes and reaching for his pistols.

"Yeah? Well, I am -- I mean was... the president of America!" Clinton huffed.

"You have till the count of ten to run," Clint Eastwood growled.

"Mommy!" Clinton shrieked. The former president ran away like a cat fleeing from a dog.

"You can't run, and you can't hide!" Clint barked and pulled out his guns.

The cowboy/actor/director fired six shots from each gun. Clinton fell with a gasp and a thud.

"Nobody messes with Clint Eastwood," Clint Eastwood said, twirling his guns with amazing skill.
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It is well accepted that the only things that will be left after a nuclear holocaust would be kieth richards and some roaches.....kieth will promptly snort the roaches.
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Froman must be the spammer in the dark corner, eh? :?

And it's w00t, not W00T!
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of course i am the spammer in the dark corner
It is well accepted that the only things that will be left after a nuclear holocaust would be kieth richards and some roaches.....kieth will promptly snort the roaches.
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