The ninth commandment is to tell the truth and as Christians, integrity is very important to us and our readers. We expect all of our volunteer reviewers to be honest about their opinions and influences in the reviews they are writing for us. If a product was sent to us to review, we will disclose that information. Christ Centered Gamer will not accept financial, personal or editorial assistance in the review writing process. If a company advertises with us, we will disclose that information in our reviews as well. Christ Centered Gamer is partially funded by advertisers. Money earned from banner revenue goes towards hosting costs, games, and gaming hardware. A majority of our editing and reviewing staff are volunteers. All of our reviews are opinions, but we all follow the same reviewing standards when calculating the moral score of a game. Christ Centered Gamer will not provide positive reviews for financial gain, nor will we remove negative reviews if asked. The only condition for a game's score to be changed is by replacing older reviews with higher quality ones following our current review standards.  If you have any questions about our policies, feel free to contact us!